
skcycling.extraction.activity_power_profile(activity, max_duration=None)[source][source]

Compute the power profile for an activity.

Read more in the User Guide.

activity : DataFrame

A pandas DataFrame with at least a 'power' column and the indices are the information about time. The activity can be read with

max_duration : Timedelta, timedelta, np.timedelta64, int, or str, optional

The maximum duration for which the power-profile should be computed. By default, it will be computed for the duration of the activity. An integer represents seconds.

power_profile : Series

A pandas Series containing the power-profile.


[1]Pinot, J., and F. Grappe. “The record power profile to assess performance in elite cyclists.” International journal of sports medicine 32.11 (2011): 839-844.


>>> from skcycling.datasets import load_fit
>>> from import bikeread
>>> from skcycling.extraction import activity_power_profile
>>> power_profile = activity_power_profile(bikeread(load_fit()[0]))
>>> power_profile.head() # doctest : +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
cadence  00:00:01    78.000000
         00:00:02    64.000000
         00:00:03    62.666667
         00:00:04    62.500000
         00:00:05    64.400000
Name: 2014-05-07 12:26:22, dtype: float64

Examples using skcycling.extraction.activity_power_profile