scikit-cycling API

This is the full API documentation of scikit-cycling


Rider([n_jobs]) User interface for a rider.


The skcycling.extraction module includes algorithms to extract information from cycling data.

extraction.activity_power_profile(activity) Compute the power profile for an activity.
extraction.acceleration(activity[, periods, …]) Compute the acceleration (i.e.
extraction.gradient_activity(activity[, …]) Compute the gradient for all given columns.
extraction.gradient_elevation(activity[, …]) Compute the elevation gradient.
extraction.gradient_heart_rate(activity[, …]) Compute the heart-rate gradient.


The skcycling.metrics module include score functions.

metrics.normalized_power_score(…[, …]) Normalized power®.
metrics.intensity_factor_score(…) Intensity factor®.
metrics.training_stress_score(…) Training stress score®.
metrics.training_load_score(activity_power, mpa) Training load score.
metrics.mpa2ftp(mpa) Convert the maximum power aerobic into the functional threshold power.
metrics.ftp2mpa(ftp) Convert the functional threshold power into the maximum threshold power.
metrics.aerobic_meta_model(record_power_profile) Compute the aerobic metabolism model from the record power-profile.

Single cycling activity

metrics.normalized_power_score(…[, …]) Normalized power®.
metrics.intensity_factor_score(…) Intensity factor®.
metrics.training_stress_score(…) Training stress score®.
metrics.training_load_score(activity_power, mpa) Training load score.


metrics.aerobic_meta_model(record_power_profile) Compute the aerobic metabolism model from the record power-profile.


The skcycling.model module includes algorithms to model cycling data.


model.strava_power_model(activity, …[, …]) Strava model used to estimate power.


The skcycling.utils module include utility functions.

utils.validate_filenames(filenames) Check the filenames and expand in the case of wildcard.

IO interaction

The module includes utility to load data.

io.bikeread(filename[, drop_nan]) Read power data file.


The skcycling.datasets module includes utilities to load datasets.

datasets.load_fit([returned_type, set_data]) Return path to some FIT toy data.
datasets.load_rider() Return the path to a CSV file containing rider information.