Source code for skcycling.metrics.power_profile

""" Metrics to asses the power profile. """

# Authors: Guillaume Lemaitre <>
#          Cedric Lemaitre
# License: BSD 3 clause

from __future__ import division

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

SAMPLING_WKO = pd.TimedeltaIndex(
    ['00:00:01', '00:00:05', '00:00:30', '00:01:00', '00:03:00',
     '00:03:30', '00:04:00', '00:04:30', '00:05:00', '00:05:30',
     '00:06:00', '00:06:30', '00:07:00', '00:10:00', '00:20:00',
     '00:30:00', '00:45:00', '01:00:00', '02:00:00', '03:00:00',

def std_dev_squared_error(y_true, y_pred):
    """Compute the standard deviation of the squared error.

    y_true : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
        Ground truth (correct) target values.

    y_pred : ndarray, shape (n_samples,)
        Estimated target values.

    std_dev : float
        Standard deviation of the squared error.


    return np.sqrt(np.sum((y_true - y_pred) ** 2 / (y_true.size - 2)))

[docs]def aerobic_meta_model(record_power_profile, time_samples=None): """Compute the aerobic metabolism model from the record power-profile. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <mpa_estimate>`. Parameters ---------- record_power_profile : Series The record power profile from which to extract the aerobic model. time_samples : TimedeltaIndex or None, optional The time samples of the record power-profile to take into account. If None, the sampling of the method of Pinot et al. is applied, which is equivalent to the sampling from WKO+. Returns ------- mpa : float Maximum Aerobic Power. t_mpa : Timedelta Time of the Maximum Aerobic Power. aei : float Aerobic Endurance Index. fit_info_mpa_fitting : dict This is a dictionary with the information collected about the fitting related to the MAP. The attributes will be the following: - `slope`: slope of the linear fitting, - `intercept`: intercept of the linear fitting, - `std_err`: standard error of the fitting, - `coeff_det`: coefficient of determination. fit_info_aei_fitting : dict This is a dictionary with the information collected about the fitting related to the AEI. The attributes will be the following: - `slope`: slope of the linear fitting, - `intercept`: intercept of the linear fitting, - `std_err`: standard error of the fitting, - `coeff_det`: coefficient of determination. Notes ----- The method implemented here follow the work presented in [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Pinot et al., "Determination of Maximal Aerobic Power on the Field in Cycling", Jounal of Science and Cycling, vol. 3(1), pp. 26-31, 2014. """ if time_samples is None: time_samples = SAMPLING_WKO.copy() # keep only the time samples available in the record power-profile mask_time_samples = time_samples < record_power_profile.index.max() time_samples = time_samples[mask_time_samples] # to avoid losing data, we will first interpolate the time samples # using all the data available in the record power-profile before # to select only the samples required. ts_union = record_power_profile.index.union(time_samples) record_power_profile = (record_power_profile.reindex(ts_union) .interpolate('linear') .reindex(time_samples)) # only samples between 10 minutes and 4 hours are considered for the # regression mask_samples_map = np.bitwise_and(time_samples >= '00:10:00', time_samples <= '04:00:00') extracted_profile = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].values extracted_time = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].index.values extracted_time = np.log(extracted_time / np.timedelta64(1, 's')).reshape(-1, 1) ols = LinearRegression(), extracted_profile) std_fit = std_dev_squared_error(extracted_profile, ols.predict(extracted_time)) fit_info_mpa_fitting = { 'slope': ols.coef_[0], 'intercept': ols.intercept_, 'std_err': std_fit, 'coeff_det': ols.score(extracted_time, extracted_profile)} # mpa will be find between 3 minutes and 7 minutes mask_samples_map = np.bitwise_and(time_samples >= '00:03:00', time_samples <= '00:10:00') extracted_profile = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].values extracted_time = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].index.values extracted_time = np.log(extracted_time / np.timedelta64(1, 's')).reshape(-1, 1) aerobic_model = ols.predict(extracted_time) # find the first value in the 2 * std confidence interval samples_within = np.abs(extracted_profile - aerobic_model) < 2 * std_fit if np.count_nonzero(samples_within): index_mpa = np.flatnonzero(samples_within)[0] time_mpa = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].index[index_mpa] mpa = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_map].iloc[index_mpa] else: raise ValueError('There is no value entering in the confidence' ' level between 3 and 7 minutes.') # find aerobic endurance index mask_samples_aei = np.bitwise_and(time_samples >= time_mpa, time_samples <= '04:00:00') extracted_profile = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_aei].values extracted_profile = extracted_profile / mpa * 100 extracted_time = record_power_profile.loc[mask_samples_aei].index.values extracted_time = np.log(extracted_time / np.timedelta64(1, 's')).reshape(-1, 1), extracted_profile) fit_info_aei_fitting = { 'slope': ols.coef_[0], 'intercept': ols.intercept_, 'std_err': std_fit, 'coeff_det': ols.score(extracted_time, extracted_profile)} return (mpa, time_mpa, ols.coef_[0], fit_info_mpa_fitting, fit_info_aei_fitting)